In the Store below, simply click on CC MEMORY to order CCM Materials.

"Just want to say 'Thank You' for providing these wonderful materials and products for such a great, affordable price! We started our first week with CCM and are very happy with the curriculum. Also, the packaging of the CCM material is very impressive. You have taken great care to ship it to us! ." Chu in Colorado



SKU 25002
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Product Details

We do not charge administration, registration, or enrollment fees to use Schola Rosa in your co-op. Simply, have each family purchase the Digital Subscription to the K-6 Schola Rosa Curriculum ($50 per family) and then purchase the required books. The Director's Manual will give guidance on typical logistics for running your co-op, be it large or small. May God bless your adventure!

What's Inside?

We believe that it is essential for a co-op director to embrace not only an administrative role, but a role of spiritual leadership. We are not encouraging any sort of self-aggrandizement in saying this; we simply mean that she must take seriously the task of seeking after the well-being of the souls of the mothers, fathers, and children who become involved with the co-op directly and the larger spiritual community in which the co-op exists. For this reason, we have developed the Director’s Manual both as a reference tool for running the co-op and as an inspirational guide for being a good Christian director. We grant that our own limitations will contribute to the limits of the Manual, in achieving either of its goals.

In approaching the question of how to be a “good Christian director,” we have decided to focus upon the Golden Rule: Love God and Love your Neighbor as Yourself. This is the commandment of charity, central to the Christian way of life. In each of the sections in this book, you will find a “Spiritual Challenges” heading, under which we offer guidance in the light of this central tenant of the Christian Faith as regards the particular issues that accompany each phase in the co-op year.

And so, in the name of divine Mercy, I have the confidence to embark upon the work of a wise man, even though this may surpass my powers, and I have set myself the task of making known, as far as my limited powers will allow, the truth that the Catholic faith professes, and of setting aside the errors that are opposed to it. To use the words of Hilary: “I am aware that I owe this to God as the chief duty of my life, that my every word and sense may speak of Him.”

—St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Contra Gentiles, Book I, Chapter 2

"I purchased Alpha Year last summer for my first grader, and we have so thoroughly enjoyed the program. My 2 and a half year old son even loves it!  He loves to recite the poetry and the history. What really astonished me, however, was his ability to apply the information he learned from the songs. I was talking to my husband about our history lesson, and I mentioned 'the king of Persia' and he shouted, 'that's King Cyrus!' " Camille in California

If purchasing materials for the Schola Rosa curriculum or a Schola Rosa co-op, be sure to click on the Schola Rosa option in the Store instead of CC Memory. Schola Rosa uses a unique edition of Classically Catholic Memory in its program.